Do you need ideas on how to generate more revenue for your indoor sport and recreational facility or outdoor sports complex? Our sports center consulting experts can help.
Whether your organization is struggling in an operational rut, finding a need for increased revenue, or opening a new indoor sport and recreational facility or outdoor sports complex, Pinnacle's Strategic Programming and Facility Revenue Development services can help you find your way back to organizational efficiency and profitability.
These sports center consulting services include assistance with, at a minimum:
- identification and prioritization of multiple revenue opportunities
- assistance developing communication strategies with current and prospective clients
- help creating community support tactics
- definition of media's role in start-up and ongoing publicity
- branding strategies
- creation of marketing and public relation plans
- assistance with ground-breaking events and public relations
- identification and prioritization of sales efforts
- identification and execution of non-sports related sales opportunities
- development of staff incentive programs
- staffing plans to optimize revenue and increase efficiency
- creation of detailed job descriptions
- creation of hiring criteria
- assistance creating and executing training programs
- advise and assist with selecting systems set up and implements
- listing of all start-up and ongoing supply and equipment needs (new facilities only)
- assistance creating internal policies and money-handling procedure
- assistance with budgeting formats and reports
- creation of activity, referee and employee schedules and scheduling procedures
- assistance creating facility maintenance checklists
Pinnacle's non-profit division is headed by a dynamic and passionate non-profit business leader, Sam Migliano. Sam brings over 5 years of professional experience running a non-profit sport facility with proven ability to drive bottom line growth, identify potential opportunities, and cultivate business relationships built on stewardship, respect, and trust. As a leader in the non-profit industry, Sam has helped make a difference in the community solely based on delivering mission impact results.
For more information on how you can work with the nation's leading sports facility consultants, give us a call at 502-632-6799 or e-mail us at .